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Re: [Orgmode] One org file, multiple exports, is it possible?

From: Thomas S. Dye
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] One org file, multiple exports, is it possible?
Date: Sun, 23 May 2010 08:49:27 -1000

Aloha all,

Karl's setup specified keyword arguments for :select-tags but not for :exclude-tags. When I tried this setup with only :select-tags it worked as expected for the select tag that occurs first in the Org- mode file, but the publishing project defined for the select tag that occurs second in the Org-mode file did not work as expected. In this case, trees with both select tags appear in the output file.
I solved my problem by also specifying exclude tags.

Here is the setup that worked for me.

-------- .emacs fragment ----------

  (add-to-list 'org-publish-project-alist
                 :base-directory "~/org/temp/"
                 :base-extension "org"
                 :publishing-directory "~/org/temp/publish-work/"
                 :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-latex
                 :select-tags     ("@WORK")
                 :exclude-tags ("@HOME")
                 :title "Work Notes"
                 :include ("index.org")
                 :exclude "\\.org$"

  (add-to-list 'org-publish-project-alist
                 :base-directory "~/org/temp/"
                 :base-extension "org"
                 :publishing-directory "~/org/temp/publish-home/"
                 :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-latex
                 :select-tags     ("@HOME")
                 :exclude-tags ("@WORK")
                 :title "Home Phone"
                 :include ("index.org")
                 :exclude "\\.org$"

-------- .emacs fragment ----------

-------- org-mode file ----------
* Work notes :@WORK:
This should end up in publish-work.

* Home notes :@HOME:
This should end up in publish-home.
-------- org-mode file ----------

I'm wondering, is it really possible to get the expected results specifying only select tags and not exclude tags?
All the best,

On May 23, 2010, at 6:31 AM, Karl Martino wrote:


Ah! This worked once I tried this tip Carsten - thanks!  I should have
realized that the buffer setting was defeating that there.

You should *not* have a #+TITLE line in the buffer, and you should *not*
have  subtree marked - then :title is used.
Eric, thanks for the tip as well.  I will check out org-jekyll even
though this worked because producing a blog or some kind of knowledge
base from my single-org-mode-life-file sounds great :)



On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 12:17 PM, Carsten Dominik
<address@hidden> wrote:
On May 23, 2010, at 2:22 PM, Karl Martino wrote:

Hi Carsten,

Thanks for help, unfortunately I tried ":title" and it is ignored.
No, it does in fact work, I just tested it.  Here is the setup I  
(setq org-publish-project-alist
        :base-directory "~/lib/emacs/work/org-mode/t/pub/src"
        :base-extension "org"
:publishing-directory "~/lib/emacs/work/org-mode/t/pub/ target"
        :section-numbers nil
        :table-of-contents nil
        ;;      :plain-source t
        ;;      :htmlized-source t
        :exclude "-source"
        :title "Test :title property"
        :auto-sitemap t
        :makeindex t
        :publishing-function (org-publish-org-to-html

You should *not* have a #+TITLE line in the buffer, and you should *not*
have  subtree marked - then :title is used.

- Carsten

The issue with #+TITLE in the buffer is that it is the same file I  
exporting various times, just with different tag filters, and the
title then remains the same for each export, where I want it to
reflect the subset of the file, ie Karl's Work Journal, or Karl's Home

A workaround that just occurred to me:

I could write a method that would change the #+TITLE value in the
buffer, then org-reload, before exporting the component in the list.
That should work.

But am I missing something?

Thanks again, org-mode is fantastic and has helped me wrangle a lot of
complexity into something portable and easy to use.  It's been a
lifesaver for me :)



(setq org-publish-project-alist
       :base-directory "~/notes/org/"
       :base-extension "org"
       :publishing-directory "~/notes/export"
       :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-html
       :select-tags     ("highlight")
       :include ("index.org")
I have not tried it, but if you do not have #+TITLE in the buffer,
         :title "This is my title"

in the publishing plist might work.  Give it a try.

- Carsten

       :base-directory "~/notes/org/"
       :base-extension "org"
       :publishing-directory "~/notes/export/work/"
       :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-html
       :select-tags     ("@WORK")
       :include ("index.org")
       :exclude "\\.org$"
       :base-directory "~/notes/org/"
       :base-extension "org"
       :publishing-directory "~/notes/export/home/"
       :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-html
       :select-tags     ("@HOME")
       :include ("index.org")
       :exclude "\\.org$"

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- Carsten

"Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood” - Steven Covey

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