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Re: [Orgmode] One org file, multiple exports, is it possible?

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] One org file, multiple exports, is it possible?
Date: Mon, 24 May 2010 07:20:27 +0200

On May 24, 2010, at 12:01 AM, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

Thanks Carsten,

That was it.  It works with just the select tags here, too.

One more query. I get different export results depending on where I specify the select tag. Given the following org-mode file, specifying the select tag in the file header with # +EXPORT_SELECT_TAGS: @WORK exports only the tree tagged with @WORK, but specifying the select tag in the publishing setup with :select- tags ("@WORK"), and without any specification in the file header, exports two trees, the first untagged tree and the tree tagged with @WORK.
Is this the expected behavior?
Of course not. And I cannot reproduce it either.  Maybe you need to  
make me an exact test case, with minimal .emacs, and both testcase  
files.  Make it as a zip archive, so that I am sure I have the same  
amount of whitespace at the beginning of the files etc.

- Carsten

---------- org file -------------

* Untagged notes before tags
Where do these go?

* Work notes :@WORK:
This should end up somewhere.

* Home notes :@HOME:
This should end up somewhere else.

---------- org file -------------

All the best,

On May 23, 2010, at 10:57 AM, Carsten Dominik wrote:

On May 23, 2010, at 8:49 PM, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

Aloha all,

Karl's setup specified keyword arguments for :select-tags but not for :exclude-tags. When I tried this setup with only :select-tags it worked as expected for the select tag that occurs first in the Org-mode file, but the publishing project defined for the select tag that occurs second in the Org-mode file did not work as expected. In this case, trees with both select tags appear in the output file.
I solved my problem by also specifying exclude tags.

Here is the setup that worked for me.

-------- .emacs fragment ----------

(add-to-list 'org-publish-project-alist
              :base-directory "~/org/temp/"
              :base-extension "org"
              :publishing-directory "~/org/temp/publish-work/"
              :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-latex
              :select-tags     ("@WORK")
              :exclude-tags ("@HOME")
              :title "Work Notes"
              :include ("index.org")
              :exclude "\\.org$"

(add-to-list 'org-publish-project-alist
              :base-directory "~/org/temp/"
              :base-extension "org"
              :publishing-directory "~/org/temp/publish-home/"
              :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-latex
              :select-tags     ("@HOME")
              :exclude-tags ("@WORK")
              :title "Home Phone"
              :include ("index.org")
              :exclude "\\.org$"

-------- .emacs fragment ----------

-------- org-mode file ----------
* Work notes :@WORK:
This should end up in publish-work.

* Home notes :@HOME:
This should end up in publish-home.
-------- org-mode file ----------

I'm wondering, is it really possible to get the expected results specifying only select tags and not exclude tags?
Works perfectly fine for me!

Note that changing the publishing alist does not trigger republishing. Use C-u with the publishing command...
- Carsten

All the best,

On May 23, 2010, at 6:31 AM, Karl Martino wrote:


Ah! This worked once I tried this tip Carsten - thanks! I should have
realized that the buffer setting was defeating that there.

You should *not* have a #+TITLE line in the buffer, and you should *not*
have  subtree marked - then :title is used.
Eric, thanks for the tip as well.  I will check out org-jekyll even
though this worked because producing a blog or some kind of knowledge
base from my single-org-mode-life-file sounds great :)



On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 12:17 PM, Carsten Dominik
<address@hidden> wrote:
On May 23, 2010, at 2:22 PM, Karl Martino wrote:

Hi Carsten,

Thanks for help, unfortunately I tried ":title" and it is ignored.
No, it does in fact work, I just tested it.  Here is the setup I  
(setq org-publish-project-alist
     :base-directory "~/lib/emacs/work/org-mode/t/pub/src"
     :base-extension "org"
:publishing-directory "~/lib/emacs/work/org-mode/t/pub/ target"
     :section-numbers nil
     :table-of-contents nil
     ;;      :plain-source t
     ;;      :htmlized-source t
     :exclude "-source"
     :title "Test :title property"
     :auto-sitemap t
     :makeindex t
     :publishing-function (org-publish-org-to-html

You should *not* have a #+TITLE line in the buffer, and you should *not*
have  subtree marked - then :title is used.

- Carsten

The issue with #+TITLE in the buffer is that it is the same  
file I am
exporting various times, just with different tag filters, and the
title then remains the same for each export, where I want it to
reflect the subset of the file, ie Karl's Work Journal, or Karl's Home

A workaround that just occurred to me:

I could write a method that would change the #+TITLE value in the
buffer, then org-reload, before exporting the component in the list.
That should work.

But am I missing something?

Thanks again, org-mode is fantastic and has helped me wrangle a lot of
complexity into something portable and easy to use.  It's been a
lifesaver for me :)



(setq org-publish-project-alist
    :base-directory "~/notes/org/"
    :base-extension "org"
    :publishing-directory "~/notes/export"
    :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-html
    :select-tags     ("highlight")
    :include ("index.org")
I have not tried it, but if you do not have #+TITLE in the  
      :title "This is my title"

in the publishing plist might work.  Give it a try.

- Carsten

    :base-directory "~/notes/org/"
    :base-extension "org"
    :publishing-directory "~/notes/export/work/"
    :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-html
    :select-tags     ("@WORK")
    :include ("index.org")
    :exclude "\\.org$"
    :base-directory "~/notes/org/"
    :base-extension "org"
    :publishing-directory "~/notes/export/home/"
    :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-html
    :select-tags     ("@HOME")
    :include ("index.org")
    :exclude "\\.org$"

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- Carsten

"Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood” - Steven Covey

www.paradox1x.org, www.phillyfuture.org, @kmartino

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- Carsten

- Carsten

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