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Re: [O] ANN: org-vcard. Export/import vCards. Backwards-compatible with

From: Alexis
Subject: Re: [O] ANN: org-vcard. Export/import vCards. Backwards-compatible with org-contacts.el.
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 19:54:20 +1000

Gour writes:

> what do you think about BBDB-v3? Many people like it, but I must admit
> I haven't take closer look at it?

i haven't tried using BBDB-v3, only BBDB-v2, several years ago. i found
the latter, hm, 'clunky'. (Similar to how, until the advent of mu4e, i
found no Emacs-based MUA with maildir support which i found as usable as
Mutt.) And iirc, part of the problem might have been lack of (full)
support for Australian phone numbers and/or postcodes, which at the time
i really didn't want to wrestle with.

In any case, org-contacts.el has nowwhetted my appetite for an Org-based
contacts solution - given the slogan "Your life in plain text", contacts
management certainly seems to me to fall within Org's remit. :-)

> However, I wonder whether it's flexible enough to define one's own
> properties of format of one's contact data and what about syncing?

i've just had a quick scan through the BBDB-v3 source, and
superficially, it looks like the properties are hard-coded.

Regarding syncing, the BBDB page on SourceForge suggests that existing
support for this might be rather limited - i only see mention of
PalmPilot syncing. i would certainly be interested to know if anyone's
created CardDAV support for BBDB - given that Google Contacts can be
accessed via CardDAV, and given (what i imagine to be) the large number
of people syncing their Android phone's contacts with Google Contacts,
such support might well be in demand!

> I wish you all the best hoping org-mode users will find decent solution
> for handling contacts soon.

Thank you! i'm hoping my ongoing work with org-vcard might eventually
contribute towards this. :-)


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