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Re: [O] ANN: org-vcard. Export/import vCards. Backwards-compatible with

From: Charles Philip Chan
Subject: Re: [O] ANN: org-vcard. Export/import vCards. Backwards-compatible with org-contacts.el.
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 13:21:18 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.130012 (Ma Gnus v0.12) Emacs/24.4.50 (gnu/linux)

On 6 Aug 2014, address@hidden wrote:

> i haven't tried using BBDB-v3, only BBDB-v2, several years ago. i
> found the latter, hm, 'clunky'. (Similar to how, until the advent of
> mu4e, i found no Emacs-based MUA with maildir support which i found as
> usable as Mutt.)

Personally I find no MUA as usable and feature rich as Gnus. ;-)

> And iirc, part of the problem might have been lack of (full) support
> for Australian phone numbers and/or postcodes, which at the time i
> really didn't want to wrestle with.

I am mainly talking about bbdb3 now, since I can't remember the variable
names in bbdb2. For phone numbers one can use free form style by calling
bbdb-insert-field with a prefix or change the variable bbdb-phone-style:

,----[ bbdb-phone-style ]
| bbdb-phone-style is a variable defined in `bbdb.el'.
| Its value is nanp
| Documentation:
| Phone numbering plan assumed by BBDB.
| The value 'nanp refers to the North American Numbering Plan.
| The value nil refers to a free-style numbering plan.
| You can have both styles of phone number in your database by providing a
| prefix argument to the command `bbdb-insert-field'.

As for postal codes, either turn the checking off by setting
bbdb-check-postcode to nil or change the variable bbdb-legal-postcodes:

,----[ bbdb-legal-postcodes ]
| bbdb-legal-postcodes is a variable defined in `bbdb.el'.
| Its value is
| ("^$" "^[     \n]*[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[        \n]*$" "^[      
\n]*\\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\\)[    \n]*-?[         
\n]*\\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]?\\)[        \n]*$" "^[      \n]*\\([A-Za-z0-9]+\\)[ 
        \n]+\\([A-Za-z0-9]+\\)[         \n]*$" "^[      \n]*\\([A-Z]+\\)[       
\n]*-?[         \n]*\\([0-9]+ ?[A-Z]*\\)[       \n]*$" "^[      
\n]*\\([A-Z]+\\)[       \n]*-?[         \n]*\\([0-9]+\\)[       
\n]+\\([0-9]+\\)[       \n]*$")
| Documentation:
| List of regexps that match legal postcodes.
| Whether this is used at all depends on the variable `bbdb-check-postcode'.


I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody.  It doesn't generate revenue.
(Dave '-ddt->` Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux)

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