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Re: [O] ox-tufte-latex

From: Rasmus
Subject: Re: [O] ox-tufte-latex
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 2016 17:42:50 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Thomas S. Dye <address@hidden> writes:
Oops, I meant margintable instead of marginnote.
Tables have an environment.  Is that sufficient (coupled with 
:float nil)?
I've skimmed through the "sample-handout.pdf" of the tufte-latex pkg. marginfigure seems to be pretty similar to a figure except that the environment is changed. I wonder if it would be enough to allow an :environment attribute to an image?
My solution was :float margin. 
Hmm.  How about a attr :environment for figures?  Wouldn't that be 
sufficient for this problem.
Marginnotes. I don’t think we have a concept like this. I guess it would be an attribute to a footnote. Which you incidentally asked about. Would you use more than one type of footnotes in a single document?
Marginnotes aren't numbered.  I don't think there is a similar 
Org mode concept.  I use a link to make them, so I don't need an 
Org-mode counterpart. 

,------------------------------------------------------------- | 
[[latex-opt:marginnote][The journals of Captain Cook and his | 
crew contain the first written descriptions of old           | 
As you might’ve guessed, I’m not a fan of this solution.  Whether 
it’s numbered or not in the output, a [mn:N] or [sn:N] reference 
is more Orgish.  I cannot, however, speak to how difficult it 
would be to add more note types.

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