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Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates

From: Rasmus
Subject: Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "<s[TAB]")
Date: Mon, 21 May 2018 16:35:38 +0200
User-agent: Emacs Gnus

Bastien <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi Rasmus,
> Rasmus <address@hidden> writes:
>> Do you think org-tempo should try to detect "old" versions of
>> org-structure-template-alist and give a better error if it sees one?
> Yes, it definitely should detect old format and fix it.

I don’t remember if I replied to this or not.

In any case, it will not be able to "fix" an old template, as it can be
much more complex than the new syntax.

I would simply raise an error with a helpful text if the "old" format is


m-mm-mmm-mmmm bacon!

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