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Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates

From: Rasmus
Subject: Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "<s[TAB]")
Date: Sat, 05 May 2018 19:29:19 +0200
User-agent: Emacs Gnus

Aaron Ecay <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi Rasmus,
> 2018ko maiatzak 2an, Rasmus Pank Roulund-ek idatzi zuen:
>>> Finally, irrespective of which options are chosen, I think that org-tempo
>>> would be better implemented in terms of a minor mode.  This would allow
>>> it to be autoloaded, turned on/off for different buffer(s) in an emacs
>>> session, and avoid duplicating the logic for activating global minor
>>> modes.  Patch attached.
>> I agree.
> OK, thatʼs good to know.  Iʼve held off on any pushing of the patch to
> master until everything is worked out.  In the meantime, Iʼve put it in
> a branch “org-tempo”.
> I also added a second commit to that branch which implements my vision
> of the upgrade path (deprecation warnings, etc.)  For convenience, that
> patch is also attached to this email.

I don’t like it, I’m afraid.  It’s a bit nagging.  There’s tools to mark
thinks as obsolete in Emacs should we need to.

> One remaining decision to make is: what is the future of org-tempo?  I am
> sympathetic to the idea that the best place for it eventually would be
> org-contrib or GNU ELPA, and not org core.

We don’t have make that decision now, do we?


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