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org-mode for code comments?

From: Robert Nikander
Subject: org-mode for code comments?
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2023 12:13:15 -0600


I searched the internet and this doesn’t seem to exist. I would like to have 
something like the opposite of code blocks. I could edit a code file, and the 
comments would be in org-mode. I happen to be using C++ and lsp-mode at the 

    //  This C++ comment is all org mode. The font formatting, colors, expand 
and collapse UI.
    //  /italic/, *bold*, =code=, [[file:/Some/thing.org][links]], etc.
    //  Lists:
    //  1. apple
    //  2. banana
    //  * Headers
    //  ** Subheaders
    //  *** TODO Fix blah blah blah.
    //  Tables, inline images, ...
    void foo(int x, std::string str) { … }

Does this exist? I don’t know if Emacs has the necessary features to support 


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