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Re: [DRAFT] [ANN] EmacsConf 2022 Second Call for Participation (extended

From: Amin Bandali
Subject: Re: [DRAFT] [ANN] EmacsConf 2022 Second Call for Participation (extended until Sep 30)
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2022 12:36:34 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/29.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Quiliro Ordóñez writes:

> I think that it is a great call for papers.  But I would like to
> concentrate on the volunteers.
> I am not sure if I can help in any useful way.  Perhaps others feel that
> way too.  Maybe you can make a simulation of a conference or detail the
> steps or happennings that go on in a conference and how volunteers can
> feel helpful and appreciated.  Maybe this will be useful to call more
> people to participate and become part of the "Emacs ecosystem".  Heck,
> they don't even have to be Emacs users!  They might become interested in
> using Emacs after volunteering.
> Anyway, these are just ideas that might not be useful.  If I can help in
> any way, do not doubt to ask.

Thanks for your feedback, Quiliro.  I agree, we could and should do
better in calling out for volunteers.  I think we need to have a page
on emacsconf.org that outlines the different kinds of tasks that folks
could help with around EmacsConf -- not just for the conference days,
but all year round -- that shows what/how to help, and keep that page
up-to-date.  We could then link to it in the CFP emails.  We could
also send separate emails calling specifically for volunteers.

Some of these tasks could include:

- helping put together the schedule for the conference days;
- helping with graphics, such as designing posters or other artifacts
  that may be featured in the streams or shared by folks wanting to
  help spread the word about the conference;
- helping with one or mores aspect of streaming and "running the show"
  such as being the streamer or MC for a parallel track if needed;
- helping with infrastructure and system administration in general;
- helping with communications with other volunteers, with individual
  speakers or for announcements sent to mailing lists or all speakers,
  for example writing tips for screen recording or editing, or helping
  sort out the logistics for other session formats (e.g. workshops) if
  there is interest.



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