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A formatting question.

From: Erica
Subject: A formatting question.
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2024 08:53:19 -0500

Hello everyone.  

I've got emms formatting my tracks in a somewhat reasonable way, but I'd like to improve it.
I dont see a straight forward way to do that.  I'd prefer to do the recommended way if there is one.
The manual does not really discuss how to change the formats of the tracks.

I've created info-title formats to use for my tracks.  But that seems like the wrong way to do it.
LIke I'm abusing the field to create a track format.  My tree node does seem to display properly, probably only because
I display the title last thing, which probably everyone does.

This is what I'm doing.  But which seems like an abuse of the intended use according to the doc.

(setq emms-browser-info-title-format "%i%-30t %-8g %y %a")
(setq emms-browser-playlist-info-title-format "%i%-30t %-8g %o : %a %y")

Maybe this is the correct way to do this.  It is not clear in the manual.
How do other people change the format of the track so that the information can be seen ?

Thank you,

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