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[Fab-user] question about Fabric as a library

From: Vincent Derelle
Subject: [Fab-user] question about Fabric as a library
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2013 16:45:55 -0400



I’m developing an internal tool in our organisation. In a nutshell,  it’s a web app (using Python Django) which retrieves a set of nodes from a Chef server and then run commands on those selected nodes. I’m using Fabric

to execute those commands remotely. The recommended way to use Fabric as a library in the documentation is to use the execute  (http://docs.fabfile.org/en/1.7/api/core/tasks.html#fabric.tasks.execute)



If I use the execute function like this:

nodes = [‘nodes1’, ‘node2’]  


result = execute(_fabric_execute, command, hosts=nodes)



def _fabric_execute(command):

    result = sudo(command)

    return result


this will work and return to me a dictionary containing the output of those commands.


If I do it sequentially instead like this:

nodes = [‘nodes1’, ‘nodes2’]


results = []


for n in nodes:

    env.host_string = n

    result = _fabric_execute(command);



(in the django template iterate through the array and then display the different result object properties)


The individual result objects returned give me much more valuable information such as: result.succeeded if it succeeded , result.failed if it failed, result.real_command for the real command executed as well as the the output.


My question to you is, is there any way I can get that information when using the execute function? Because my web app allows people to execute commands, by default, in parallel which returns only the output but if they chose sequential execution but I’m able to display to them if it succeeded or not and the real command executed by fabric if they select sequential execution. Essentially I’d like to be able to display the same amount of information (mainly if it failed or not) in parallel execution using execute like sequential execution



I love fabric!




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