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[ff-cvs] libvob/doc/pegboard/animation_api--mudyc peg.rst

From: Matti Katila
Subject: [ff-cvs] libvob/doc/pegboard/animation_api--mudyc peg.rst
Date: Thu, 09 Oct 2003 05:46:21 -0400

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/libvob
Module name:    libvob
Changes by:     Matti Katila <address@hidden>   03/10/09 05:46:21

Modified files:
        doc/pegboard/animation_api--mudyc: peg.rst 

Log message:
        some cleaning.


Index: libvob/doc/pegboard/animation_api--mudyc/peg.rst
diff -u libvob/doc/pegboard/animation_api--mudyc/peg.rst:1.2 
--- libvob/doc/pegboard/animation_api--mudyc/peg.rst:1.2        Thu Oct  9 
04:09:20 2003
+++ libvob/doc/pegboard/animation_api--mudyc/peg.rst    Thu Oct  9 05:46:20 2003
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
 PEG animation_api--mudyc: Animation Layer API 
-:Authors:  Matti J. Katila
+:Authors:  mudyc
 :Date-Created: 2003-09-27
-:Last-Modified: $Date: 2003/10/09 08:09:20 $
-:Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
+:Last-Modified: $Date: 2003/10/09 09:46:20 $
+:Revision: $Revision: 1.3 $
 :Status:   Incomplete
 :Stakeholders: mudyc, tjl, benja, humppake
 :Scope:    Minor
@@ -68,31 +68,32 @@
      *   2) There must not be objects that call low-level animation 
      *      interface to change animation state. This could prevent
-     *      proper animation, i.e., by setting no animation even
+     *      proper animation, e.g., by setting no animation even
      *      animation should be done.
     public interface AnimationAPI {
-       /** Set the update method in next change to be reuse of the same 
+       /** Set the update method in next change to reuse of the previous 
          * There's no animation between this and next frame, 
-         * only coordinate parameter changes are noticable. 
+         * only coordinate parameter changes are notable, 
+         * which indeed can also be like animation. 
          * <p>
-         * If the update is set with another update method 
-         * before change, this method is obsoleted.
+         * If the update is set with other update set method after this set but
+         * before change, this set is obsoleted.
        void reuseVS(String caller);
-       /** Set the update method in next change to be animation/interpolation 
between vobmatcher keys
+       /** Set the update method in next change to animation/interpolation 
action between vobmatcher keys
          * <p>
-         * If the update is set with another update method 
-         * before change, this method is obsoleted.
+         * If the update is set with other update set method after this set but
+         * before change, this set is obsoleted.
          * @see VobMatcher
         void animate(String caller);
-       /** Change to next frame instantly.
+       /** Change to next frame.
         void chg(String caller);
@@ -108,7 +109,8 @@
        /** Get the current visible vobscene. 
          * While programming, you are creating vobscene
-         * for future usually, so this returns the obivious previous vobscene.
+         * for future usually, so this returns the obivious previous 
+         * vobscene, e.g., to set coordinate system parameters.
         VobScene getLastVS();

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