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Re: [fluid-dev] Compiling FluidSynth on Windows with Visual Studio 6.0

From: Jim Henry
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Compiling FluidSynth on Windows with Visual Studio 6.0
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 22:16:28 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (Windows/20050716)

I build FluidSynth on a Win XP platform with VS .net 2002. Using fluidsynth.exe in a Command prompt window I get message but no prompt. However I can enter commands on the bottom line displayed even though there is no prompt. Have you tried entering a command? Try something like "channels" where the result is obvious.

Hope this helps,
Jim Henry

CERESA Jean-Jacques wrote:

After building FluidSynth 1.0.5 (from the .tar files) using VS 6.0 on a Win 98 plattform and lauching FluidSynth.exe from a command line requesting to play a midifile has the following behavior: The midi file is playing and finish , but the prompt from the inside shell never appears. So the user cannot interact with FluidSynth.

May be specials define or header files are required ?.
What is the correct procedure to build the 2 projets (FluidSynth console executable and dll executable) ?

Thanks a lot for your help



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