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[fluid-dev] FluidSynth shell work on Windows XP , does'n work on Windows

From: CERESA Jean-Jacques
Subject: [fluid-dev] FluidSynth shell work on Windows XP , does'n work on Windows 98
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 14:17:08 +0200

Hi jim
First, thanks you for your answer.

>I build FluidSynth on a Win XP platform with VS .net 2002.  Using
>fluidsynth.exe in a Command prompt window I get message but no prompt.  
>However I can enter commands on the bottom line displayed even though
>there is no prompt. Have you tried entering a command? Try something
>like "channels" where the result is obvious.

Yes i have tried entering a command and the shell doesn't echo the depressed key.

This is the behavior

Under windows 98:
In fact with the help of the debuger one can see that the programm is lopping somewhere inside
the shell.

Under windows XP:
The same executable works well as the user can enter commands while a midifile is playing.

I seems the shell programm has restrictions on the versions of the OS.

I am going to post this last test to the developper mail-list to see if it is possible
to have a version working with win95 win98 and the next new OS.

Again thanks

Best regards


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