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Re: [Freeipmi-devel] can't read tempeature info

From: Franco Brasolin
Subject: Re: [Freeipmi-devel] can't read tempeature info
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 10:35:14 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:5.0) Gecko/20110624 Thunderbird/5.0

thank you Albert for your quick response,
below all the answers.

Il 23/08/2011 19:00, Albert Chu ha scritto:
Hi Franco,

The fact that you're getting some negative degrees in ipmitool means
something is probably wrong with the IPMI firmware on your mobo.
Something is definitely not right.

The first thing to try is to run ipmi-sensors w/ --bridge-sensors.  It's
possible the sensors aren't on the main IPMI bus, so they need to be
bridged to other devices on the motherboard.

ipmi-sensor -h pc-xyz  -u user -p passw --bridge-sensors doesn't help

As a second shot, this seems similar to a bug I saw on a HP machine.
Could you try running with the "-W discretereading" flag w/
ipmi-sensors.  Maybe that will fix the problem.  It would also be
interesting to compare FreeIPMI's ipmi-sensors output to ipmitool's
'sensor list' output (ipmitool's assumptions are different in that code

ipmi-sensor -h pc-xyz  -u user -p passw --W discretereading
doesn't help too

In attachment the ipmi-sensor & ipmitool sensor list output.

If that doesn't help, could you send me the --debug output from
ipmi-sensors.  I'd have to look into detail what is actually going on on
this motherboard.

In attachment also the debug output

As a side note, you may be interested in the --entity-sensor-names
option for ipmi-sensors.  It may make your output better for your


On Tue, 2011-08-23 at 06:47 -0700, Franco Brasolin wrote:
Hi all,
I need some help to read Temperature sensors on a Dell  PowerEdge R410
model name      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5620  @ 2.40GHz
# uname -a
Linux pc-xyz 2.6.18-238.1.1.el5 #1 SMP Wed Jan 19 11:06:36 CET 2011
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

If I try (from another host with freeipmi 1.06.beta0 installed) the
following command:

# ipmi-sensors -V
ipmi-sensors - 1.0.6.beta0

# ipmi-sensors -h pc-xyz  -u user -p passw   | grep -i temp
1   | Temp             | Temperature              | N/A        | C     | N/A
2   | Temp             | Temperature              | N/A        | C     | N/A
3   | Temp             | Temperature              | N/A        | C     | N/A
4   | Temp             | Temperature              | N/A        | C     | N/A
5   | Ambient Temp     | Temperature              | N/A        | C     | N/A
6   | Ambient Temp     | Temperature              | N/A        | C     | N/A
7   | Temp             | Temperature              | N/A        | C     | N/A
8   | Temp             | Temperature              | N/A        | C     | N/A
9   | Temp             | Temperature              | N/A        | C     | N/A
10  | Ambient Temp     | Temperature              | 21.00      | C     |
11  | Planar Temp      | Temperature              | N/A        | C     | N/A
65  | CPU Temp Interf  | Temperature              | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
110 | Mem Overtemp     | Memory                   | N/A        | N/A   | N/A

ie: only ambient temperature is available, while if I use ipmitool:

#  ipmitool -H pc-xyz -U user -P passw  sdr type temperature
Temp             | 01h | ok  |  3.1 | -57 degrees C
Temp             | 02h | ok  |  3.2 | -63 degrees C
Temp             | 05h | ok  | 10.1 | 19 degrees C
Ambient Temp     | 07h | ok  | 10.1 | 24 degrees C
Temp             | 06h | ok  | 10.2 | 30 degrees C
Ambient Temp     | 08h | ok  | 10.2 | 27 degrees C
Ambient Temp     | 0Eh | ok  |  7.1 | 18 degrees C
Planar Temp      | 0Fh | ok  |  7.1 | 35 degrees C
IOH THERMTRIP    | 5Dh | ns  |  7.1 | Disabled
CPU Temp Interf  | 76h | ns  |  7.1 | Disabled
Temp             | 0Ah | ok  |  8.1 | 26 degrees C
Temp             | 0Bh | ok  |  8.1 | 23 degrees C
Temp             | 0Ch | unc |  8.1 | 44 degrees C

I obtain much more info.
What am I doing wrong ??

thank you very much for your help!

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Attachment: ipmi-sensor.txt
Description: Text document

Attachment: ipmitool.txt
Description: Text document

Attachment: ipmi-sensor-debug.txt
Description: Text document

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