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Re: [FR-devel] Source Browser

From: NISHIO Mizuho
Subject: Re: [FR-devel] Source Browser
Date: Tue, 05 Mar 2002 22:14:46 +0900
User-agent: Wanderlust/1.1.0 (Overjoyed) SEMI/1.13.5 (Meih ō) FLIM/1.13.2 (Kasanui) Emacs/20.4 (i386-*-windows98.1998) MULE/4.1 (AOI) Meadow/1.10 (TSUYU)

At Tue, 5 Mar 2002 05:34:15 -0500,
Ron Jeffries <address@hidden> wrote:
> It looks very interesting. Here are some first impressions: I suppose
> you have already thought of these, but just in case they are useful:
> The list of defined items under the class names might be more useful
> if it was alphabetized. I'd like to at least try it that way.
To sort alphabetically is not difficult.

By FreeRIDE::FRBrowser::SourceBrowser#__append_tree, items are added.
Please modify this method. This is the example which sorts 
Module alphabetically. 

-- Orginal 
tree.each_module do |mod|
  __append_tree(mod, new_node)

-- Modified
tree.module_list.sort{|x,y| <=>}.each do |mod|
  __append_tree(mod, new_node)
> I am assuming that when I click an item, the intent is that the text
> window will reposition to that item?
I also want to move the caret.
To tell the truth, I am not familiar with FOX.
And, I don't know how to scroll the bar.

Ths simple syntax tree generated by the parser holds
the information about where method/class/module are
defined. So, it is possible to do it. 
> The text window opens very narrow in Windows, and the hierarchy window
> very wide. I don't know if that is unique to Windows.
This is also because I am not accustomed to FOX.
> Here is a very wild idea from my Smalltalk background: I would like to
> try a version that shows just one method (or other defined item?) at a
> time in a small text window. A Smalltalk browser typically has three
> panes: top left = class list, top right = method list for the class
> selected in top left, and bottom = method text for method selected in
> top right
I hope that the interface of the source browser 
is determined in this ML. But, If possible, 
I want to change the interface by options.

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