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RE: [FR-devel] Source Browser

From: NISHIO Mizuho
Subject: RE: [FR-devel] Source Browser
Date: Tue, 05 Mar 2002 22:34:52 +0900
User-agent: Wanderlust/1.1.0 (Overjoyed) SEMI/1.13.5 (Meih ō) FLIM/1.13.2 (Kasanui) Emacs/20.4 (i386-*-windows98.1998) MULE/4.1 (AOI) Meadow/1.10 (TSUYU)

At Tue, 5 Mar 2002 03:21:40 -0800,
Curt Hibbs <address@hidden> wrote:

> My plan is that by end of this coming weekend I will have finished the basic
> GUI framework (built on top of Rich's plugin framework). I'd like to wrap
> your code into a navigation-pane plugin and include it in this initial
> release as the class browser.
I have been waiting for your GUI framework. I want to rewrite 
source/class browser so that they use your framework.

Until your GUI framewrok is released, I will test
the parser and fix the bugs.
The current version of the source browser doesn't 
have the quality as the FreeRIDE's plugin.
For example, the parser can't parse this script properly.

while true do
  $k = 1

Plus, I must decide which StringIO class the source browser uses.
One is stringio.rb included in the tar.gz, 
and another is the extension library which 
we can get in Ruby's CVS repository.

e-mail : address@hidden

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