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[FR-devel] Brainstorming on FreeRIDE debugger

From: Laurent Julliard
Subject: [FR-devel] Brainstorming on FreeRIDE debugger
Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2002 17:40:59 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020529

Before I start working on the integration of a debugger in FreeRIDE I have a couple of points I'd like to discuss with you all. This is my vision for the first revision but I welcome your comments.

A - Push-button and/or command line

Eventhough this eems to be more difficult to do I was tempted to make a debugger that one would be able to operate either through a GUI and/or through a text console execatly like we do when we use the -r debug option these days. Do you think this would be useful or is a pure GUI enough?

B - UI Layout

I was thinking of doing the following for the implementation of the DEbugger UI

- Show the current line with an arrow sign (->) in the left hand side of the Scintilla pane where linu numbers are). Is this feasible with Scintilla by the way ?

- A click on a line would set a breakpoint there and show the line in red or show a red dot in the left hand side column (again where line numbers are). Is this feasible with Scintilla

- A new pane would show up under the editor pane with 2 tabs: one called 'Console' where all the output of the debugged process would show up adn another tab where you'd see the step, next, finish, icons plus a way to visualize the stack frame and the threads as well as the local, global and instance variables

Other ideas?

Laurent JULLIARD - Xerox R&T/SSTC/XPA - Open Source team
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