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[FR-devel] results of little warings clean up

From: gabriele renzi
Subject: [FR-devel] results of little warings clean up
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 17:38:14 +0200 (CEST)

sorry for the length of this message..
[note: this message is based on behviour with 1.8 on
 I'll try 1.6.8 and linux as soon as possible, *bsd ,
macos, BeOS.. 
 well, send me an HD and I'll even try them ;)

I guys, last news from warning land...

I have to study, so, naturally, I can't do it, and I
spend my time messing up with FR 8-)

good news:
it seems that most of the warnings shown with
$VERBOSE=true are related to 4 things:

the first two are easy :

- uninitialized vars
- 'var_name = somevalue unless var_name'

For the first thing, I tried putting some
initializations like
var_name=nil in the various related 'initialize'
This seemed to work with freebase/lib/databus.rb, in
class Slot
you can safely add to Slot#initialize the line 


and you'll remove many warnings.

Another place to do the same thing is in
   class Command
     def initialize(slot)
+      @av_manager=nil

and in rubyide_tools_source_parser/basic_parser.rb, in
the initialize method from 


   def initialize
+    @last_hash=nil

I think changes like this should not generate newer
bugs, cause initializing vars to nil should 

not cause problems, but this could happen if we are
doing things like

  rescue NameError
anyway, I don't think this is a great risk.

For the second thing.. well, I dont know why this
happens but it seems that ruby dislikes 
 unless uninitialized_var
but goes quiet with
 uninitialized_var ||=x

you can do this change in   

     def instance
-      unless @plugin_instance
-        @plugin_instance =, self)
-      end
-      @plugin_instance
+        @plugin_instance ||=, self)

and in 


     def self.setup
-      $FREEBASE_APPLICATION = "freeride" unless
+      $FREEBASE_APPLICATION ||= "freeride" 

Now, if I start fr with a couple of files and suddenly
close it 
I get 4312 warnings.
After this changes they are 280.

~90 of this are related to yaml.rb, cause I'm running
ruby 1.8 and it bothers about Object#id .
Changing it to Object#__id__ kills them all.

down to 191 lines of warnings!

Now, everything works fine for me *except*
Starting FR (even fresh cvs) with -w cause it to crash
when I click on Search/find or I do 

[BUG] Segmentation fault

possible solution: updating yaml.rb
It seems to me (possibly I'm wrong) that yaml.rb is
something generated with racc -E, that 

includes all the various file like this:
 file <<yaml_related_file.rb
 eval file

(could'nt we put yaml.rb in redist?)

Anyway it is based on yaml.rb 0.40. 

If you install yaml.rb 0.60 , and replace all yaml.rb
contents with 
 require 'yaml'
search/replace works again.

Dunno why this happens, but possibly we could import
the latest yaml pure ruby distribution (even 

if the C based one, syck, seems to work fine IMO)..

Anyway, warn lines bump up to 600 if you do this,
mostly because yaml 0.60 seems to use 
 'string' =~ 'regex'
comparisons, that should become 
 'string' =~ /regex/

I don't know if this is fixed in the current yaml cvs.

The third warning pack seem related to the properties
for scintilla, that are eval'ed someway..
I don't know where this happens, possibly I'll

The latest warning pack comes from
freebase/configuration.rb.. it seems instance vars for

PluginConfiguration are not initialized, but if I add
them to the initialize method.. they are 

still uninitialized.. I think I'll have to take a
closer look to this..

- FR run with -w is unsafe
- 4000+ warnings are easily eliminated
- maybe we should use a newer yaml.rb to reduce them
more and make FR safe again
- possibly this changes will introduce new bugs..
would we take the risk ?


icq #69488917

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