Hi Timothy,
On Fri, 2003-05-16 at 19:37, Timothy Baldwin wrote:
Marxism 2003 is an annual conference, of about 5000-6000 left wing
activists. It is held in and around the University of London, and
this year
runs from the afternoon Friday 4th June to the afternoon Friday 11th
All parts of the political spectrum from the Labour left leftwards are
I propose, to tackle the shocking ignorance within the left, that the
should hold a stall at Marxism 2003. This level of ignorance extend
to many
who work in IT, including at one time the SWP's system administrator,
this is
despite the fact support for Free Software can be deduced from basic
This is probably doable - although as you say, the majority of the
appear to be about geopolitics. That's not to say that it might not be
interesting for them though - I would have thought the concept of
intellectual property rights would have been of huge interest to them,
for example.
It would probably be best to discuss this in person at AFFSAC, although
it is quite close - do you know any of the organisers? Are they still
looking for people to speak?
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