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Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?
From: |
ian |
Subject: |
Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question? |
Date: |
12 Jun 2003 10:16:34 +0100 |
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 09:50, Ramanan Selvaratnam wrote:
> ian wrote:
> >>Very probably but contrast the ability for Joe Public to buy a copy of e.g.
> >>Sage or QuickBooks, install it and be up and running within half an hour
> >>with
> >>the need to install apache, MySQL and SQL Ledger and configure them before
> >>being able to start working
> >
> >So why can't these be packaged to set up and work out of the box? In
> >fact I think the "Sage Instant Accounts" market is different from the
> >Sage Line 50 etc market.
> >
> I remember hearing sometime back that Sage and few other software was
> certified by the IRS (?).
> Could this be a vital front where we could help all those maturing free
> accounting packages to be adopted?
I think the best route would be to get a firm of accountants to agree
that the software worked for audit procedures. Our auditors just take
Sage reports on face value because they trust them. We need them to
accept our accounts in free software. I have been education them slowly!
Haines Watts are a moderate size firm so if we do move next year from
Sage to FS a spin off will be educating the accountants. One recently
dent me an article from a business paper about the rise of Linux so it
is happening.
> If there is such a certification body then I am sure there will be many
> channels of distribution also available.....eg: SME startup help schemes
> >[...]
> >we need accounts that can be used by SMEs not just individuals.
> >
> True
> [...]
> >>Let's not forget these are people who wouldn't have a clue how to install a
> >>RPM and yet we're advocating this as a solution.
> >>
> >>[...]
> >>If they can't download a RPM, even setting up Sage
> >>would be well beyond them.
> >>
> RPM is not that difficult for anyone prepared to install software after
> they have aquired a machine with a working system. Lets not forget that
> there are now mature GUI front ends to RPM.
> The dendencies have always been a problem but now there is apt4rpm
> maturing fast
> <http://apt4rpm.sf.net>
> Does anyone know of any good GUI front ends for Debian package
> management systems?
> > [...]
> >
> >> It's fine for those running
> >>support companies because it earns them money
> >>
> >>
> Support companies could do remote administration/maintainence and save
> lots of money in the long run and look forward to developing better
> solutions than attending to another 'VBS virus' or 'missing .dll'
Precisely so. There would be a lot of business in remotely managing
accounts for small businesses using secure Internet. I just wish I had
the time or capital to invest in all the business opportunities
presented ;-)
> >>but, let's be sensible here,
> >>installing Windows software is pretty much a no-brainer these days.
> >>
> I disagree.
> I had this friend who has installed a Bluetooth mobile driver that was
> blocking up his internal modem 'COM' ports .....a problem no one can
> solve ... not even me as I advocated a total replcement for his
> Win2K.....he still suffers and the last I heard from him he is thinking
> of a reinstall...the OS that is...but he has no license keys ... if he
> gets past that stage then I suspect he will then have to find that
> elusive driver for one of the many actively supported versions of the
> OS ....among badly authored 'HTM' pages....arrrgh! MS Windows and the
> software solutions suck brains out.
> Best regards,
> Ramanan
ian <address@hidden>
- Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?, (continued)
- Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?, Simon Waters, 2003/06/12
- Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?, Alex Hudson, 2003/06/12
- Message not available
- SSO (Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?), Alex Hudson, 2003/06/12
- Re: SSO (Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?), Ramanan Selvaratnam, 2003/06/12
- Re: SSO (Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?), Alex Hudson, 2003/06/12
- Re: SSO (Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?), Simon Waters, 2003/06/12
- Re: SSO (Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?), Ralph Corderoy, 2003/06/12
- Re: SSO (Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?), MJ Ray, 2003/06/12
- Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?, Ralph Corderoy, 2003/06/12
- Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?, Neil Darlow, 2003/06/12
- Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?,
ian <=
- Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?, MJ Ray, 2003/06/12
- Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?, Ramanan Selvaratnam, 2003/06/12
- Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?, MJ Ray, 2003/06/13
- Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?, Brian Gough, 2003/06/15
- Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?, Jason Clifford, 2003/06/15
- UKFSN (was: Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?), Alex Hudson, 2003/06/15
- Re: UKFSN (was: Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?), Jason Clifford, 2003/06/15
- Re: UKFSN (was: Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?), MJ Ray, 2003/06/16
- Re: UKFSN (was: Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?), Jason Clifford, 2003/06/16
- Re: UKFSN (was: Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?), Marc Eberhard, 2003/06/16