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Re: [Fsfe-uk] Swpat directive passed by 7 votes. Effect of amendments wh

From: Ralph Janke
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] Swpat directive passed by 7 votes. Effect of amendments wholly cosmetic.
Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 08:15:53 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5 (Windows/20040207)

James Heald wrote:

In the initial round of discussions SE, UK, FR, NL, CZ and HU spoke in 
favour of the Irish proposal.

FFII therefore urges supporters to make sure MEP candidates at this election truly appreciate the depth of concern about this issue.
I think we need to get some real buzz going before the EUP elections in June, because:
1) the conservative MEPs seem to be even on a more PRO-software patent 
line than labour and the most MEPs being labour and torry, not a lot
of resistence can be mounted just by pleading to them to change their 
opinions. SInce the election will have a very low participation
(some talk of 25%) it might be possible to get some other MEPs in and 
that would have more effect. It maybe would be a reason for the incombents
to rethink as well.

2) To get some of the labour and torry MEPs top fall in the election might even have an effect on the UK government and how they will take this
issue further in the Council.

What action campaigns are planned running up to the elections ? Where do we have any comparison of candidates standing on this issue ?
Ralph Janke

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