Chris Croughton wrote:
On Sat, Oct 09, 2004 at 10:26:30PM +0100, Sam Liddicott wrote:
Perpetual copylleft sounds more noble than copyleft and this would
surely be an asset for the FSF, would it make it worth them diluting
the old meaning in order to get more coverage for the concept and
thus also more covereage and recognition for perpetual copyleft than
they currently have for "copyleft"? Sort of like having one floor
our of a popular city hotel instead of a motel in the country?
Is there any potential in this idea?
If you can sell it to the FSF, I think that's the best idea I've heard
so far. Certainly I would go for that, I would happily use the term
'copyleft' as a generic and I think it's the sort of term which the
media would latch onto, it makes a good sound-bite ("What we are doing
is 'copy-left'. It's like copyright but the other way round."). I'd
hope that the other FS licences would use it as well.
The problem with this is that it plays straight into the hands of the
those who wish to portray us as destroyers of so called "Intellectual
Press release for the following day:
"Clearly anyone that supports "Copyleft" wishes to destroy the
Copyright system which provides the foundation on which the largest
software companies are built, and so they're a bunch of thieving,
pinko, commie pirates, who are probably in league with Al Qaeda."
Fancy coming up with a more press worthy rebuttal?