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Re: [FSF] Winter fundraiser appeal page?

From: victorhck
Subject: Re: [FSF] Winter fundraiser appeal page?
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2019 17:58:14 +0100

El 18/12/19 a las 21:50, Dana Morgenstein escribiĆ³:
> Hi translators! Sorry to ask for another favor but: it would be very
> helpful to have the text for our winter fundraiser appeal page
> (fsf.org/appeal) translated into Spanish. Do any of you have time to
> take this on? I've attached the text in markdown. Many thanks in advance
> for all of your hard work, and for everything you all do for the FSF and
> GNU!


Attached you can find the fundraiser text translated to Spanish.
Hope this translation helps the FSF to get your goals, to keep on
fighting for free software!

Happy hacking!

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