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Re: [Fsuk-manchester] Meeting

From: Noah Slater
Subject: Re: [Fsuk-manchester] Meeting
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 13:26:09 +0100

Hello Freedom Fighters,

I have spoken with an agent from IKEA who didn't know anything about
any meeting facilities. I am also unable to find any reference to this
service on the web. Could anyone provide me with any more details,
like where this was first spotted as an option?

Looking at other options it seems like the council offer meeting rooms:


I spoke to the Central Library about using the meeting rooms there but
the woman said that they are not taking any booking from third parties
at the moment and I should call back in 3 weeks. This seems a little
odd to me and I have a sneeking suspicion she was trying to fob me off
- if someone would like to disproove this by ringing again, please do.
The number to call is 0161 234 1965.

Even if this means delaying our first meeting by a few weeks I think
it would be benificial if we got a regular slot at the Central
Library. I should imagin that given an equal distribution of members
it would be the most convenient spot. The woman I spoke to mentioned
that most groups get a regular slot at specific time intervals and at
specific times. I think that we need to organise this before we make

The charges are £10 per hour for local groups and FREE for "community"
groups. Not sure what the difference is - but we can try for the free
option and see how far we get.

Another viable option for regular meetings is the University of Manchester.

The UoM offers specifically taylored meeting rooms:


Not sure of the pricing as the website doesn't seem to list it anywhere.

Matt, are you able to swing anything from your side?

Not sure how to proceed from this point - if anyone has any
suggestions, chime in.




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