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RE: [Axiom-developer] RE: [Gcl-devel] Possible GCL 2.6.7 for axiom

From: Mike Thomas
Subject: RE: [Axiom-developer] RE: [Gcl-devel] Possible GCL 2.6.7 for axiom
Date: Mon, 30 May 2005 11:44:05 +1000

Hi Camm.

|   6) On Windows (at least) GCL 2.6.6 Axiom (not 2.6.5) has a problem with
| equation system solutions:
| ===========================================
| (1) -> solve([3*x**3+y+1,y**2-4],[x,y])
|    Loading C:/Program Files/axiom/mnt/windows/algebra/UPMP.o for
|       package UnivariatePolynomialMultiplicationPackage
|    >> System error:
|    The function SYSTEM::DEBUGGER is undefined.
| protected-symbol-warn called with (NIL)
| (1) -> solve([3*x**3+y+1,y**2-4],[x,y])
|    >> System error:
|    Arg or result mismatch in call to  |devaluateList|
| protected-symbol-warn called with (NIL)
| ===========================================

On the subject of AXIOM, Windows and surrent directories I just got to the
bottom of the above bug too.

The problem occurs when the AXIOM environment variable is set globally to
one particular AXIOM system while running an AXIOMsys.exe from a separate
AXIOM system (eg in my case, my development source tree).

This causes the second system to load object files from the first Axiom
system causing objections about missing functions (in my particular case the
function SYSTEM::DEBUGGER which is relatively new).

I would suggest removal of the the AXIOM environment variable at least on
the global level, or better, completely.

I also suggest avoiding a wrapper batch file as that will be fraught with
other difficulties - notably the absence of a simple way to get the working
directory in batch files on all versions of Windows, but also because it
usually poor programming practice on Windows to use application-specific
environment variables.  Nor would it be appropriate in this instance to use
the Windows registry.

The right thing to do I think is to add a new crossplatform GCL system
package function "get-current-directory" - a relatively simple task for the
platforms upon which GCL currently runs.


Mike Thomas.

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