On 12/21/2013 07:47 PM, David Billinghurst wrote:
On 22/12/2013 8:18 AM, Sergei Haramundanis wrote:
Mr. Winiecki,
Posting this to let you know that the latest version of "Build Win32
GCL using Git & GCC481 (11132013).pdf" is very accurate and worked
flawlessly for me on Windows XP Pro SP3 32-bit to build GCL 2.6.10
ANSI. I will be building this as well on Windows 7 64-bit.
I also want to inquire about redistribution of
./gcl/unixport/saved_ansi_gcl.exe as I want to execute GCL 2.6.10 on
Windows that does not have MinGW installed.
Is it correct that to redistribute GCL 2.6.10 on Windows, all that
is required is to provide this executable or are other libraries
required to be included in the distribution package?
I understand that BDF fasloading, Stratified Garbage Collection
(SGC), readline and GCL-TK will not function as per your document,
but as I am building TCP/IP socket-based GCL components, will not
specifically need them or their libraries. I am designing the GCL
components in this manner primarily for ease of integration with
multi-tier web applications and to separate the presentation layer
from GCL components.
Thank you for your fine efforts to provide this valuable document to
the community and thanks for any information you can provide.
I build and distribute the maxima package for windows, based on gcl.
I need to distribute libgmp-10.dll, as I use the system gmp
libraries. You probably won't require this, as gcl-2.6.10 requires a
patch for this to work.
If you want your redistributed gcl to compile lisp, you need to
include parts of the gcc compiler. The makefile
http://sourceforge.net/p/maxima/code/ci/master/tree/Makefile.am has
the details. Just ask if you require further info.
Thanks very much for the Maxima build reference. Given the dynamic
nature of GCL, it makes sense that a gcc compiler and related
components need to be available.
Along with gcc, it looks like the following libraries and executables
are also necessary:
MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows)
TCL (Tool Command Language)
GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Libraries
Clozure Common Lisp
I'll use this as a reference for a prototype distribution and give it
a try.
Given that my distribution package will require sockets, it looks like
I'm going to have to build CLOCC and include those libraries as well.
Any information you have on that would also be appreciated.
Thanks again for your consideration and support!