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Re: [gcmd-dev] [gcmd-usr] Configuring mountable devices

From: mi
Subject: Re: [gcmd-dev] [gcmd-usr] Configuring mountable devices
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2022 01:07:56 +0200

Well, in settings, i configured a device /dev/sdd1 and its mountpoint according 
to an entry in /etc/fstab but alas, that dii'nt work.

[MM] Opening connection
[MM] Mounting device
[MM] mounting /dev/sdd1
[MM] Mount command: mount /dev/sdd1
Segmentation fault

But when i changed the device to the label, it worked. I will have to do more 
tests to see if it's reliable.

One thing is clear, if a device is mounted from another command source 
(external to gcdm, like shell command) that will make gcmd crash in any case. 
IK don't know about automounters since i've none installed but there could be a 
problem for plug-in / removable storage like an USB stick or camera chip.


I think Label is the safer method anyway since some mainboards deliver device 
lists in possibly different order, for different boot conditions (and i have no 
idea what the differences are, maybe coldboot vs hotboot, or just some 
electricity circumstances, or whatever an HD/SSD controller may do when 
switched on?) so the linux kernel will not always assign the same device nodes 
to them. I would recommend everyone to move away from device nodes anyway.

Linux installers also use the internal id (a long hex number) in fstab for 
safety and security reasons (e.g. the kernel really is pointed this specific OS 
and none other) but i am not convinced this is an advantage over labels, since 
that figure can also be 'faked' by someone with malicious intents, or, OTOH, 
someone who labels in exactly the same way some 2 or 3 devices such essential 
as the boot OS  (so the boot could be screwed) is not someone i would feel 
obligated to consider as a developer. But maybe i am missing the point. Anyway, 
we are not talking about (u)mounting the OS disk / partition here, but rather 
removable or deactivated optional storage disks and these should be set up by 
user, and we could expect a user who understands what /dev/sdd1 is to be able 
to set a label too. But YMMV.

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