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[gcmd-usr] Passing multiple file pathes to shell scripts

From: mi
Subject: [gcmd-usr] Passing multiple file pathes to shell scripts
Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2022 04:22:41 +0200

I created a simple script which moves a file into my $HOME.



xmessage "$1"

mv -v $1 $HOME


and configured a gcmd program which invokes it with %u  (also checking 
'multiple files'). I tested passing of %u with output of $@ -  that part works 

But it dii'nt work because

[LL] sync_dir_list: /home/micha/.config/gnome-commander/scripts
[GG] running: /opt/TOOLS/test.sh  %u
Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
mv: cannot stat 'file:///tmp/testfile': No such file or directory

apparently, gcmd passes the file path as URI with preceeding 'file:///' and a 
plain shell won't understand this without 'sed' mangling.

In the past (gcmd 1.2), file pathes were emitted anyway, without any % argument 
configured, and they were simple shell pathes. But it seems the newer version 
requires configuring a % parameter in gcmd programs, without that gcmd outputs 
nothing at all. So now we have to deal with URI parsing.

The typical sed line could look lilke sed 's / file: \/ \/ / /g' (without the 
whitespaces i put for readability); and you could throw this on $@ like 
files=$(echo $@ | sed 's/file:\/\///g')  and if you want to read the files 
later off a list line-by-line (which is safer in case of whitespaced filenames) 
then you could replace the URI thing just with \n.

But there is an issue with the first line being empty and then, gcmd also 
replaces whitespaces with %20 which you need to convert with sed or printf; so 
it's still a little more complicated.

To make it short, here is an example how the file parsing can be done:

        mkdir $targetdir

        files=$(echo $@ | sed 's/file:\/\//\\n/g' | sed 's/%20/ /g')
        # xmessage "$files"

        echo -e $files | grep -vx "" | while read file; do
            mv "$file"  $targetdir;

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