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Re: [Getfem-users] compilation and computation issues

From: Martin Genet
Subject: Re: [Getfem-users] compilation and computation issues
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 15:38:54 -0800
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Hi Kostas,

Many thank for your prompt and effective support.

first of all I would like to ask you what is the reason for compiling
getfem yourself instead of using the deb packages from debian repos? I
suppose you want to enable parallelization which is not included in the
deb packages, right?

Well, I have to recognize that I simply followed the instructions on which does not mention the debian repos. Is there a more detailed page about GetFEM++ installation?

Anyway, I will definitely need the parallelization, so... :)

The configure flags used for the creation of deb packages are the

configure_flags= $(CROSS) --prefix=/usr \
                --enable-boost --enable-shared --with-pic \
                --enable-python --enable-muparser \
                --disable-matlab --disable-superlu \
                --with-mumps="-lsmumps_seq -ldmumps_seq -lcmumps_seq 

This may help you.

Sadly, '''./configure --with-pic --enable-mumps --with-mumps="-lsmumps_seq -ldmumps_seq -lcmumps_seq -lzmumps_seq -lpord_seq"''' leads to the same error: '''configure: error: The function smumps_c couldn't be found in the provided MUMPS libraries.'''...

Regarding the problem with mumps, I would like to ask you which version
of getfem are you trying to compile?


 After the last release I think I
have made changes in the configure script, removing some redundant mumps
checks. Could you try the latest version from the svn repository?



Arf, same error, sorry.

With respect to the compilation of your code, you need to specify the
compilation/linking flag -lgetfem and possibly something like

OK. I think I succeed in compiling (g++ -I./getfem -I./getfem/src -I/usr/local/include -DGMM_USES_BLAS -DGMM_USES_LAPACK -O3 -c -o $(src).o $(src).cc). But not in linking (g++ -l./getfem/src/libs/libgetfem.a -rdynamic -lsmumps -ldmumps -lcmumps -lzmumps -lmuparser -lm -lblas -llapack -o $(src).o $(src)). Any idea?

Thanks again,

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