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Re: [Getfem-users] compilation and computation issues

From: Martin Genet
Subject: Re: [Getfem-users] compilation and computation issues
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2011 23:50:03 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101208 Lightning/1.0b2 Thunderbird/3.1.7

you need to install mumps headers, for Ubuntu these are in the package
libmumps-seq-dev and libmumps-dev for the sequential and the parallel
version respectively. The configure flags that I have given you,
correspond to  the sequential version.

OK. libmumps-dev and libmumps-seq-dev are now installed (previously, I
had libmumps-dev installed, but not libmumps-seq-dev).

Now, '''./configure --with-pic --enable-mumps --with-mumps="-lsmumps_seq
-ldmumps_seq -lcmumps_seq -lzmumps_seq -lpord_seq"''' seems to work

But I tried to compile with the parallel version of MUMPS using
'''./configure --with-pic --enable-mumps --with-mumps="-lsmumps -ldmumps
-lcmumps -lzmumps -lpord"''', and it does not work: I still get the
'''configure: error: The function smumps_c couldn't be found in the
provided MUMPS libraries.''' error. Do you know what flags I should use?

Could you send your config.log file?

Sure, here it is (config.log)! For some reason, the sequential version
does not work anymore, so I also attach the associated log
(config_seq.log). Sorry for my lack of resourcefulness... And thanks
again for your help.


Hi, for the parallel version you probably need libatlas-base-dev, for
the sequential version you don't need this if you use the svn version of
getfem++ instead of the officially released 4.1.1.

You're completely right! Thanks so much for your help! Martin.

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