From: | Konstantinos Poulios |
Subject: | Re: [Getfem-users] Add a new FEM with polynomial and global functions |
Date: | Sun, 20 Nov 2016 22:51:35 +0100 |
Hello dear GetFEM users,I am trying to add a new FEM with some global functions in addition to some polynomial functions. I found this discussion about how I can do it:However when I look in the file "getfem_mesh_fem_global_function.cc/h " to inspire. I don't found where the basis functions are defined? as the functions:std::stringstream sfor (int i = 0; i<size_basis; ++i) p->base()[i] =bgeot::read_base_poly(dim,s);for the polynomial case; And also where the name of FEM is defined? as the function: add_suffix("Name", fem_element); in the polynomial case.I tried to add my element by programming a similar class oftemplate <class FUNC> class fem : public virtual_fem {...};in which I have determined explicitly the value of base_value, grad_base_value and hess_base_value. I inherited from this class to define my element in the file getfem_fem.cc. I define the basis and DOF by the functions://############# code to add the basis and DOF ###############//base_[i] = polynomial or global basis function;//like base_value in annexadd_node(DOF, Point);// corresponding to each basis functionI know that for this method I could program a class with the functions eval() and derivative(). But in my case I defined the functions base_value, grad_base_value and hess_base_value explicitly without need of these methods (I think). You can see my class in the annex. By this way I get a bad result.I hope that I was clear, and I will be thankful for your help of how I can add my element correctly.///########## Annex ##############///class MyFUNC : public virtual_fem {protected :std::vector<opt_long_scalar_type> base_; public :/// Gives the array of basic functions (components).const std::vector<opt_long_scalar_type> &base(void) const { return base_; } std::vector<opt_long_scalar_type> &base(void) { return base_; } /** Evaluates at point x, all base functions and returns the result int(nb_base,target_dim) */void base_value(const base_node &z, base_tensor &t) const {//scalar_type res = 0;bgeot::multi_index mi(2);mi[1] = target_dim(); mi[0] = short_type(nb_base(0));t.adjust_sizes(mi);base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();scalar_type x = *z.begin();//z[0];scalar_type y = *z.end();*it = bgeot::to_scalar(x*y); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar((1-x)*y); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar((1-x)*(1-y)); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(x*(1-y)); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar((32/1281)*sqrt(2)*(1-x)*sqrt(1-x)*(12*x- 66*x*x+(143/2)*x*x*x)); ++it; *it = bgeot::to_scalar((32/1281)*sqrt(2)*(1-y)*sqrt(1-y)*(12*y+ 66*y*y+(143/2)*y*y*y)); }/** Evaluates at point x, the gradient of all base functions w.r.t. thereference element directions 0,..,dim-1 and returns the result int(nb_base,target_dim,dim) */void grad_base_value(const base_node &z, base_tensor &t) const {bgeot::multi_index mi(3);dim_type n = dim();mi[2] = n; mi[1] = target_dim(); mi[0] = short_type(nb_base(0));t.adjust_sizes(mi);base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();scalar_type x = *z.begin();scalar_type y = *z.end();*it = bgeot::to_scalar(y); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(-y); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(-(1-y) ); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar((1-y)); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar((32/1281)*sqrt(2)*(-3/2*sqrt(1-x)*(12*x- 66*x*x+(143/2)*x*x*x)+(1-x)* sqrt(1-x)*(12-132*x+(429/2)*x* x))); ++it; *it = bgeot::to_scalar(0); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(x); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar((1-x)); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(-(1-x)); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(-x); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(0); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar((32/1281)*sqrt(2)*(-3/2*sqrt(1-y)*(12*y- 66*y*y+(143/2)*y*y*y)+(1-y)* sqrt(1-y)*(12-132*y+(429/2)*y* y))); }/** Evaluates at point x, the hessian of all base functions w.r.t. thereference element directions 0,..,dim-1 and returns the result int(nb_base,target_dim,dim,dim) */void hess_base_value(const base_node &z, base_tensor &t) const {bgeot::multi_index mi(4);dim_type n = dim();mi[3] = n; mi[2] = n; mi[1] = target_dim();mi[0] = short_type(nb_base(0));t.adjust_sizes(mi);base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();scalar_type x = *z.begin();scalar_type y = *z.end();*it = bgeot::to_scalar(0); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(0); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(0); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(0); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar((32/1281)*sqrt(2)*(3/4*(1/sqrt(1-x))*( 12*x-66*x*x+(143/2)*x*x*x)-3* sqrt(1-x)*(12-132*x+(429/2)*x* x)+(1-x)*sqrt(1-x)*(-132+429* x))); ++it; *it = bgeot::to_scalar(0); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(1); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(-1); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(1); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(-1); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(0); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(0); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(1); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(-1); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(1); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(-1); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(0); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(0); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(0); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(0); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(0); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(0); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar(0); ++it;*it = bgeot::to_scalar((32/1281)*sqrt(2)*(3/4*(1/sqrt(1-y))*( 12*y-66*y*y+(143/2)*y*y*y)-3* sqrt(1-y)*(12-132*y+(429/2)*y* y)+(1-y)*sqrt(1-y)*(-132+429* y))); }};--ZAIM YassinePhD Student in Applied Mathematics
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