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From: Artyom
Subject: [gfsd]WTB
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 13:01:33 +0300


We need:
1200 pcs 14" Monitors
2500 pcs 15" Monitors
1000  pcs 17" Monitors
30-50 pcs 15" LCD
30-50 pcs 17" LCD
500-1000 pc-system (any configuration P133-PIII650)

300 pcs matrix printers
300 pcs laser printers

50-100 Laptop(any configuration 486 DX2 -PIII1000 any brands)
GSM phones BIGGEST qty.(any models 5000-20000 pcs)

I'm lookin forward your answer and offers.
------------              --------------------
Voenmech Company.
Kamenoostrovsky prospekt 60,
Saint Petersburg   , Russia.
Tel/fax : +7 812 2343797
Tel/fax : +7 812 2346833      
    GSM : +7 812 9574264
 e-mail : address@hidden
Best regards,             ---------------------       
Artyom                     mailto:address@hidden

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