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[gfsd]Re: address@hidden: [Savannah-hackers] new package: qexo]

From: Loic Dachary
Subject: [gfsd]Re: address@hidden: [Savannah-hackers] new package: qexo]
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 08:48:17 +0200

        Ok, I'll turn it (in a hurry before leaving).

Hugo Gayosso writes:
 > Hash: SHA1
 > Loic Dachary <address@hidden> writes:
 > >    I'm a bit embarassed because I can't seem to find a trace of
 > > the fact that Qexo is part of the GNU project. However Per Bothner
 > > is well known and I suspect he would not ask this modification if
 > > Qexo was not indeed part of the GNU project. Can you provide some
 > > feedback on this please ?
 > Executive summary:
 >    Yes Qexo was dubbed GNU software by RMS on May 3rd. 2002
 >    new-gnu: please DTRT with qexo.
 > Details of the investigation:
 > This kind of questions can be better answered by <address@hidden>,
 > but I will try to do my best.
 > fencepost$ grep -i qexo /gd/gnuorg/maintainers
 > [ Nothing ]
 > So this would mean that it is NOT a GNU package, but let's do some
 > more research:
 > $ grep -i qexo /com/archive/new-gnu  
 > Subject: Qexo
 > I hereby dub qexo a GNU package.
 > new-gnu people, could you please enter qexo in gnuorg/maintainers,
 > Subject: Qexo
 > I hereby dub qexo a GNU package.
 > new-gnu people, could you please enter qexo in gnuorg/maintainers,
 > Subject: Qexo
 > I hereby dub qexo a GNU package.
 > new-gnu people, could you please enter qexo in gnuorg/maintainers,
 > Ah!, at least there is something there, digging the message from the
 > archive, I found that it was sent by RMS on: Fri, 3 May 2002 12:25:52
 > - -0600 (MDT)
 > So, I guess the new-gnu people hasn't had the chance to update
 > maintainers, but Qexo is in fact a GNU package as of that date.
 > Doing some more research, I didn't receive that message (I receive
 > messages sent to new-gnu), so I guess that maybe the new-gnu people
 > didn't receive it either (I am copying them here).  Another
 > interesting fact is that there are three copies of the message in the
 > archive!
 > Mail system problems??
 > Greetings,
 > - -- 
 > Hugo Gayosso
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