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Re: [Ghm-discuss] First GHM 2018 Organizing Meeting

From: Ricardo Wurmus
Subject: Re: [Ghm-discuss] First GHM 2018 Organizing Meeting
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2017 12:12:53 +0200
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John Darrington <address@hidden> writes:

> 1.  How long will it take between somebody paying, and us (the organisers) 
> getting
> confirmation?  My guess is > 7 days.

John Sullivan wrote:

    The account statements, no, since those would have other people's
    transactions on them too, but we could notify you when they come in, and
    answer inquiries about them quickly M-F (or by arrangement at other
    times). Our business operations team handles these things very promptly.

    Also if GHM wanted to use our CiviCRM instance to handle registration, I
    *believe* that would be possible (need to check with sysadmins), and
    that would enable some designated organizer(s) to log in and see
    attendee registration status and info. Our staff would then update
    statuses there as wire payments come in (and that would enable people to
    pay by credit card as well, which would be reflected instantly in their

“very promptly” and “as wire payments come in” should not be greater
than seven days, but it is true that we would have to be certain of

> 2.  If we have to draw money in advance, (Eg: to put down a deposit for a 
> booking),
> how will that be possible? (will it be possible at all?)

True, this needs clarification.

> "Financial Organisation" is a bit wider I think than what John Sullivan was 
> offering.
> Other questions relating to finance include:
> * What level or surplus (or deficit) should we aim to achieve?
> * What cost should we try to charge attendees?
> * What policy should we have for subsidised attendance, and who decides?
> * What should the cancellation policy be?

Excellent; that’s a good first expansion of the single agenda item.  Thanks!


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