I realise that the speed of the glusterfs will be lower than NFS, but
for my tests, I can get the speed to be similar (linespeed) for large
files, but for small files NFS is much faster. I have tried using
server-to-server AFR and client-based AFR, with and without unify, with
and without the various performance volumes as recommended in the
documentation. But I haven't been able to find a setup that is faster
than 1/3 the speed of NFS for small files.
I'm wondering if anyone could post their config files for the server and
client that has reasonable performance for small files (this is going to
be for web data so most files are <50kb)
If you are looking at serving static files via web, you might be interested
in mod_glusterfs (available in the glusterfs--mainline--3.0 branch).
mod_glusterfs is currently available for apache-1.3, lighttpd-1.4 and
lighttpd-1.5 (we are working on apache2 support).
http benchmarks show mod_glusterfs boosts the performance significantly,
especially for small files (by avoiding the fuse context switch overhead)