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Re: [Gnash] Firefox plugin fails to build...

From: Miriam Ruiz
Subject: Re: [Gnash] Firefox plugin fails to build...
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 18:45:48 +0200 (CEST)

 --- Brynet <address@hidden> escribió:

> I just tryed the gnash binary file for running an individual .swf
> file.. typing "gnash" or "gnash file.swf" just causes it to crash, I
> seriously think somone should rethink support for BSD as its clearly
> having problems as a friend using freebsd also said it fails....
> I was hoping this would be a intesting project...
> *Unsubcribing now.. nice job supporting linux only :(*

What exactly do you pretend withs such a childish attitude? If you think it is
an interesting project, you should try to help solving those problems. I don't
think this emotional invocation serves for anything else than making
developers less helpful.

Remember that developers here are giving their free time voluntarily to the
project, I don't think it's OK to go around demanding them to be at your
wishes. Maybe it would be more productive to try to help solving whatever
problems appear in your architecture, instead of going like "You're not fixing
this bug right now? then I don't like you anymore!".

Please, reconsider your attitude and try to be more helpful, to the extent of
your possibilities, instead of going to emotional attacks.


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