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Re: [Gnash] configure problem: QT-dev not found.

From: Niklaus Giger
Subject: Re: [Gnash] configure problem: QT-dev not found.
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2007 19:59:11 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

Am Sonntag, 4. März 2007 17:32 schrieb Rob Savoye:
> Niklaus Giger wrote:

>    Hum.. Where are your QT libraries installed ? Do you have QTDIR set
> in your environment ? If you don't need the Konqueror plugin, you can
> use --disable-klash to eliminate this package being used.
Okay. This fixed the warnings, installing the missing boost libraries and 
afterwards everything compiled.

Then I went back to the question why it did not find the qt headers.
Setting QTDIR did not help.

qobject.h (which is referenced in configure can be found in
/usr/include/qt3/qobject.h  and

I tried to change in configure 
    for j in `ls -dr $i/qt-[0-9].[0-9] 2>/dev/null`; do
    for j in `ls -dr $i/{qt3,qt4/Qt,qt-[0-9].[0-9]} 2>/dev/null`; do
But it seems that the iterator a line above, e.g.
 for i in $libslist; do
goes over /usr/lib, etc, and not through /usr/include

I think the macros/kde.m4 is outdated, and I found (google is my friedn) in quite a different way (which 
looked correct for my eyes) to find the include path for QT headers. But I am 
no autotool guru  and never understood how and where to find current m4 
macros for a given task.

> >> ERROR: No BOOST development package installed! You need to have the
> >> BOOST
> >
> > development package installed to compile, or install libboost-thread-dev
> > and libboost-date-time-dev (using apt-get) or boost-devel (using yum).
Thanks for the hint. Installing them fixed this warning.

Best regards

Niklaus Giger

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