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Re: [Gnash] A couple of Gnash logo ideas

From: Kyle Winkler
Subject: Re: [Gnash] A couple of Gnash logo ideas
Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 11:59:27 -0600

I tried to unsquish the horns on gnashlogo3 and have posted the svg
source files.  I'm not an Inkscape expert, so I ended up doing some
weird things to make the graphics do what I wanted them to.  Let me
know what else you would like changed if you can't figure out my mess.

The GNASH from gnashlogo3 is a bold Bitstream vera sans that I applied
"Ctrl+L" to a few times.  Since the font is included in inkscape, I
assumed it was free.  The GNU letters and block "gnash" in blockgnash2
I drew myself.

My favourite of your logos is probably the first of the Gnash Logo
Idea 4 Variations.  Very nice.

On 5/30/07, Dave Crossland <address@hidden> wrote:
On 29/05/07, Kyle Winkler <address@hidden> wrote:
> Here are a couple of ideas for a Gnash logo.  Let me know what you guys think.

I like the "GNASH" logotype of gnashlogo3.png :-) The horns and "GNU"
in that is squashed, they look much better in blockgnash2.png. The
font in 2.png doesn't match the visual style of the horns, to fit it
would be more angular and sharp edged. You might be able to fit the
word "gnash" in lowercase in the logo3 font under the (unsquashed)

Can you post the SVG source files?

And, are these fonts free software?

I did a set of Gnash logos a while back, at:


Attachment: blockgnash2.svg
Description: image/svg

Attachment: gnashlogo3.svg
Description: image/svg

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