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Re: [gNewSense-users] more on Feisty gNewSense

From: Karl Goetz
Subject: Re: [gNewSense-users] more on Feisty gNewSense
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 02:07:56 +0930
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070306)

Karl Goetz wrote:
> Brian Brazil wrote:
>> On 4/15/07, Karl Goetz <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> Matthew Flaschen wrote:
>>>> Karl Goetz wrote:
>>>>> The idea thats appealing to me most at the moment is to divide as
>>> such:
>>>>>  - General/version independent help
>>>>>  - gNewSense 1.x
>>>>>  - gNewSense 2.x
>>>>>  - gNewSense 3.x
>>>>>  - etc
>>>> This seems like a good idea, but realistically people would really end
>>>> up putting version-independent information (which almost everything
>>> is)
>>>> in the version sections.
>>> Thats true enough, but thats when moving pages comes into it (and trying
>>> to have 'how to contribute' explaining such things).
>> What about tagging information within a page as "tested with deltad",
>> "tested with kdeltaf" etc.?
> I like the solution, i just wonder about different releases with
> different issues  - do we have a different section of the same page
> ('jump to' links at the top to get to them) or different pages for each?
> hm
> i might think about this.

(sorry, replying to my post).

Hi all.
could you look at [1] for some ideas i was kicking over for a editing
guidelines for the wiki.
thoughts about the page or teh best way to do multiple releases  welcome.


Karl Goetz
User of gNewSense: Free as in Freedom -
Australian Ubuntu users team -
User of Debian, The Universal Operating System -

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