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Re: [gNewSense-users] package adopted: Language-pack-ti-Language-pack-yi

From: Markus Laire
Subject: Re: [gNewSense-users] package adopted: Language-pack-ti-Language-pack-yi
Date: Fri, 09 Nov 2007 15:13:14 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070728)

Leo Arias F. wrote:

2007/11/5, Markus Laire <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>>:

    IMO this seems to be a bug in the copyright-file.

    Because of such bugs, I don't trust Debian's copyright-files too much.
    To be more sure about actual licensing terms, one should check each
    source-file and not just the copyright-file. (I have a dream of doing a
    program for this task, but it might take years before I have time to do
    it, if ever.)

I agree with you. I started checking every source file, and I found a lot of headers like this.

# <language> translation for <program>
# Copyright (C) <year>
# <copyright holder> <email>

It doesn't say anything about copyleft, or gpl license, but the /debian/copyright file says the package is GPLed.

For example, on xsane.po for Chinese:
# chines translation for xsane
# Copyright (C) 2004
# leolarrel <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>>

So I wrote to leolarrel asking about this file, and he said:
"this translation po file for xsane is GPL . I just copy main po file and apply chinese translation . so I forget to check this line "# Copyright (C) 2004" "

Now, shall we assume that all the files with that kind of header are licensed under GPL, as the file in the debian folder says?, or do we have to send an email to the copyright holders in all cases?

Usually there is a package-wide license somewhere which IMO applies to such files which don't have any explicit license. Often that is found in a file called LICENSE or README or something like, outside the Debian-folder.

The Debian-folder is often added by the Debian Developers and not by the copyright-holders, and so I prefer to refer to files outside of the Debian-folder when possible.

Markus Laire

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