Brian Brazil wrote:
On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 10:33 AM, Markus Laire <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:
> Also, do you mean by "you should be looking at the entire file in
> any case" only checking the whole file for sourceless blobs, or also
> something else (e.g. whether there are additional license details
> somewhere else than in first comment)?
Yes, also checking for other license details. I'd be very suprised if there's something non-free (by Linux's definition) in the license header, but caveats in the actual code might have snuck in.
That is nice ideal, but I doubt whether this project will (for the forseeable future) have enough manpower and will to actually read through everything contained in Linux Kernel (>260MB at the moment).
That doesn't mean we shouldn't do it though. Heurstics can only get you so far, reading through everything is the only way to be sure.