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Last update ? WAS: RE: Separate ways

From: Marcin Wiacek
Subject: Last update ? WAS: RE: Separate ways
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 17:45:26 +0200


> While you ask for a specific answer to the various points you raise
> it's clear that for whatever reason we are unable to successfully work

> together.
> Similarly if at some point in the future you are able to work with the
> team as it now stands we'd welcome your involvement.

As I supposed, you didn't answer on my (IMHO, clear) questions. It can
mean one thing - these answers could change something. But no: he took
the most simple way and didn't answer. Everything will go its' way
according to needs to developers. Anything else is important. Users are
also not important.

It's not important, what I think, what think Jan Kratochvil, Ralf
Thelen, Andrea Scopece, Michael Hund and others (you didn't even try to
ask them about it)... It's not important, that some things in gnokii
should be changed, if developers want to make everyone happy.

It seems, that this is my last post to this list. PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE ME
from CVS notification info and from gnokii email list (I don't want to
loose time for it and I want to avoid all problems, like some people had
few days ago). Please confirm. Thank you.

When we speak about mygnokii and my www: all other updates info will be
sent to my majordomo list. If you want to see it, please subscribe in my
www. I plan few mygnokii updates now with fixes - all DCT3 phones are
now supported. What will be in future, I don't know.

Take free all my info and source. I can't help and point to some
important places in this situation - everything will be made "method of
tries and errors". But of course this is NOT problem, is it ? :-))

PS. I hope, that if there will be many posts about the same errors,
maybe something will change... Everyone, who read it, should have his
own opinion and his conclusions. If somebody from current gnokii users
agree with my words, should write to Hugh.

Pozdrowienia/Best Regards
Marcin Wiacek (mailto:address@hidden,,

mygnokii mirrors (,,

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