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Re: Unicode support

From: Pawel Kot
Subject: Re: Unicode support
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 00:55:17 +0200 (CEST)

On Thu, 26 Sep 2002, Hu Gang wrote:

> 00_fix_bug    :  fix current cvs bug

Good spotting. Thank you. Applied.

> 01_fix_unicode:  support for unicode. passed in my test.

Notes and questions:
-       if (mbtowc(&retval, &value, 1) == -1) return '?';
+       if (mbtowc(&retval, &value, 1) == -1) return  0;

Why that? It will truncate the string on the character that is not
supported by the current locale.

It doesn't look good:
+               if (tmp != 0)
+                       dest[i - 1] = tmp; /* is right ? */
+               if (tmp != 0) dest[i - 1] = tmp;
It will crash on i == 0;

I would propose something like this:
static unsigned int char_decode_uni_alphabet(wchar_t value, unsigned char *dest)
        unsigned int retval;

        switch (retval = wctomb(dest, value)) {
        case -1:
                *dest = '?';
                return 1;
                return retval;
void char_decode_ucs2(unsigned char* dest, const unsigned char* src, int len)
        i += (char_decode_unicode(strtol(buf, NULL, 16), dest + i) - 1);
void char_decode_unicode(unsigned char* dest, const unsigned char* src, int len)
        i += (char_decode_unicode(wc, dest + i) - 1);

It is completly untested, it's rather an idea how to do it.

PS. I guess encoding neither works with chineses characters. Does it?
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