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Re: Gnokii with VC++

From: Jari Turkia
Subject: Re: Gnokii with VC++
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 09:43:37 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

Ramya T S wrote:

Has any one tried to compile Gnokii with VC++?? May i know which version supports the windows vc++.

If any one has tried this, please let me know.Please do reply.

Have you looked into win32\MSVS2005 directory of a Gnokii distribution?

The directory contains a MS Visual Studio solution and appropriate project files to build libgnokii and gnokii.exe and to package them into a setup binary. It is also possible to build the solution with MS Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 (currently unsupported by MS), provided that Windows XP or Server 2003 platform SDK is installed.

In case you don't have a proper compiler, one can be downloaded free of charge from Microsoft's Visual Studio website (

Jari Turkia

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