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smsd + mysql + 6310i + delivery report problem

From: slawekg
Subject: smsd + mysql + 6310i + delivery report problem
Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2007 01:01:40 -0700 (PDT)

I use smsd with mysql and 6310i phone connected to RS232 port on linux
Mandrake 10.1 to send and receive SMSs without any problem.

When i set dreport to 1 and send SMS, delivery report is stored in phone
memory but smsd is not insert it in mysql table. Why ?? 

How can I read it from phone memory ??

6310i + RS-232 cable
gnokii 0.6.17

my gnokiirc:


port = /dev/ttyS0
model = AT
initlength = default
connection = serial
bindir = /usr/local/Gnokii/sbin/
use_locking = yes
serial_baudrate = 19200
smsc_timeout = 30

debug = off

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