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USB Baud Rate Settings

From: White, Phil
Subject: USB Baud Rate Settings
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 17:44:05 -0000


I'm having a few connection problems, and was wondering if anyone has come across a solution...

I have an OEM Nokia GSM modem here (Teltonika), which, using Minicom, I can communicate with - no problem.
/dev/ttyUSB0 (it uses a USB-to-Serial chip)
However, to do so, I have to have the speed set to 230400 8N1.

However, trying Gnokii (0.6.19), I get the error message
Serial Port Speed 230400 not supported.

No matter what I try, so far I have not been able to get gnokii working at all.

Can anyone advise how I can get this thing to lower the DTE speed to something that is supported? Or any other fixes??



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