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Re: FBUS speed change to 19200 and 115200

From: Jari Turkia
Subject: Re: FBUS speed change to 19200 and 115200
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 23:58:08 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20071031)

Pawel Kot wrote:

First you need to increase the sleep into 50000 usecs. The command
simply does not sink in very fast.
That should not matter. You would just loop more times with 50.

It absolutely matters and no, it will not iterate more. It will just delay more.

static int send_command(char *cmd, int len, struct gn_statemachi
        while (res > 0 && waitformore) {
                /* Avoid 'device temporarily unavailable' error */

50 usecs is not enough for 6610i. 1000 times more will do the job. I added debug output of the buffer and it was always empty until there was properly time for the command to sink in.

Secondly you cannot free the device instance on FBUS terminate-command.
Sorry, I don't get it.

Ok. I'll elaborate.

static gn_error NK6510_Initialise(struct gn_statemachine *state)
while (!connected) {
  if (attempt > 2) break;
  err = state->driver.functions(GN_OP_GetModel, &data, state);
  if (err != GN_ERR_NONE) {
    /* ignore return value from GN_OP_Terminate, will use pr
    state->driver.functions(GN_OP_Terminate, &data, state);
  } else {

So, you'll get three rounds of initialization. In my case the first one fails. Then terminate is called. As terminate releases device instance:
       case GN_OP_Terminate:

There will not be a working device handle left for the two other rounds. In my case, the third round will do the trick.

Hope this explanation helps.

Jari Turkia

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