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Re: Team coordination -- XHTML branch

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: Team coordination -- XHTML branch
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 14:23:19 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

David Paleino wrote:
> Davi Leal ha scritto:
> > However, to maintain the Italian translation David and me use the
> > Savannah Task Manager. For such task the Task Manager rocks.
> We shouldn't use that only for the Italian translation. ;-)

My opinion:

 With the task manager we lose the conversation thread view. So, it is hard to 
follow the conversations. An example:
 Besides other subscribers do no watch the work which is being done. So, in 
such cases I prefer use this email list, as for example, for this 

 Anyway, the task manager rocks to register all the tasks which must be 
realized and to attach documentation files to the tasks, etc.
 It rocks too as a tool to send warning to David, for example about 
modifications in the Italian translation which need to be translated.

> To me this is ok, if, and only IF, the next development does not involve:
> ./Layer-0__Site_entry_point/templates/
> ./Layer-0__Site_entry_point/css/

> ./Layer-0__Site_entry_point/scripts/
>   (only if there's HTML embedded in the *.js, I haven't checked them yet).

There is not HTML embedded in the "scripts/*.js" files. I have checked it.

> If me (and Victor?) do work on the templates,

I think that if David need help from Victor, David can send an email to Victor 
with CC to this list explaining the specific problem. Anyway, I think Victor 
is the guy that has the XHTML experience, and so he should lead the XHTML 

> > If you disagree, you can kick my ass out to other branch :)
> Well, I agree... but read above :-P

If I modify such directories, before committing I will ask for permission to 
Victor and David. So you can commit first, and so it will be me who do the 
hard work of conflict solving. I will only commit stable-checked code.


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