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Team coordination -- XHTML branch

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Team coordination -- XHTML branch
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 22:50:33 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

I propose use this list to coordinate. Obvious?.

For example,
  I have finished the "Remove Cancel buttons" tasks, and I would like to use 
the new xhtml branch to add new code of the "Job Offer alerts/feeds" task due 
to I want already use xhtml in the activate-configure alerts page.

However, to maintain the Italian translation David and me use the Savannah 
Task Manager. For such task the Task Manager rocks.

  * trunk          stable/production
  * xhtml branch   the current development

If you disagree, you can kick my ass out to other branch :)


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